Friday, April 26, 2013

Pretty, Thick an' Frosty! Strawberry Pineapple Salad Smoothie

Ok, smoothie time again. I just love my daily smoothies. They help me make my quota of fruits and vegetables and they taste so great.

This is the smoothie concoction I made today.


Strawberry Pineapple Salad Smoothie (You won't taste the veggies-- I promise!)
  • torn up red romaine lettuce--about small salad's worth
  • handful of baby spinach
  • small handful parsley
  • 4" european cuke cut in several pieces (leave peel on)
  • 1/3 can coconut milk (be sure you stir or shake the can first)
  • 1 banana (can be frozen)
  • water as needed-- start with 1/2 cup
  • 1/4 avocado
  • two slices of previously frozen pineapple
  • big handful frozen strawberries (I always go organic here--sadly, regular strawberries are #1 on the most pesticide laden of foods you can buy).
  • ice--I use 5-6 cubes as I like them very cold
Place in blender in the above order. Start on chop setting or whatever is the low setting on your machine. Proceed through to liquefy. If your blender gets air bound or isn't blending things up for you, sometimes it just needs a bit of a stir. Often a little more water will do the trick.

This actually makes more than the glass shown above so my husband always gets a serving too.


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