Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Beautiful Winter and Beautiful Winter Looks @ YIKES Studio

This winter season has gotten off to a gorgeous start. Christmas was beautiful here in Lucerne, Maine, with the recent ice storm we experienced coating the trees and bushes with a shining coat of ice that shone merrily in the sunshine. No decorated indoor tree could compare to looking out over acres of gracefully bent trunks and branches, each wrapped in  a natural coat of glittering tinsel.

I've been focused on celebrating the holidays with family-- both at home and in Portland, Oregon-- and staffing the artisan gallery, SevenArts, where my work is represented in Ellsworth during the Christmas season. Soon I'll be back in the studio in earnest, though, and I'd like to share with you the focus of some of my upcoming work.

Over the past few years I've had a growing interest in fiber arts. Knitting, and then felting, became interests for me. But if you know any small business artist types, you know that our interests don't tend to stay simply hobbies for long-- we develop our work, tweak it, and start to offer the finished products for sale. In 2014, I'll be working more intensively with fiber arts and integrating these into my product line.

Here are a few pieces from 2013. What jewelry styles did you like most in the past year-- YIKES! pieces and others?

Suzanne Anderson is the creator of YIKES! Studio Jewelry. Suzanne has been busy creating for most of her life. After graduating with a BA from Maine College of Art, she worked as a graphic designer and a painter. Suzanne works to ensure that YIKES! Studio creates work that is fun, beautiful, always interesting, and adorns the wearer with joy. Catch up with her on FacebookTwitterPinterest, or Etsy, or her website at www.yikesstudio.com.

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